此次 ST MAKE+ 與日本專業協助新創發展的「for Startups」公司合作,「for Startups」將介紹如何協助新創進入日本市場及募資,
並邀請到日本兩家非常優秀的醫療相關 “新創企業”「Qantum Operation」及「Triple W」,介紹其創新創業的歷程及未來希望尋找的國際合作夥伴,同時也邀請近期積極與新創及加速器合作之「秀傳醫療體系」,希望創造日本「新創」與台灣「醫院」互動合作火花。
◆ 活動詳細資訊:
1. 時間:2021年09月30日(四)13:30-15:30
2. 地點:線上進行(OnLine)(會議前一天mail寄送線上會議連結)
3. 語言:全場英文演說(問答時間會有中日文翻譯陪同,亦可用中文提問)
4. 指導單位:經濟部中小企業處
5. 主辦單位:ST MAKE+、工業技術研究院
6. 協辦單位:for startups、台灣區電機電子工業同業公會、林口新創園
7. 報名網址:https://itrievent.tw/events/15
8. 聯絡資訊:service@stmakeplus.com TEL: 03-5914901
9. 講師介紹:
(1) Ryuta Majima 真島 隆太
Acceleration Div. Open Innovation for Startups, Inc
Website http://www.forstartups.com

Grew up in Geneva, Switzerland and graduated The University of Nottingham, UK. In charge of sales and marketing of STARTUP DB ENTERPRISE, the top Japanese startup database with over 13,000 company data. Also the producer of the original growth industry conference "FUSE".
(2) Sumitaka Maruyama 丸⼭ 純孝
Director取締役Quantum Operation Inc.
Website https://quantum-op.co.jp/en

He is the director and board member of Quantum Operation Inc, a company that develops IoT wearable
devices, with the aim of "reducing the physical and mental burden of patients" and "realizing a world where people do not get sick or become seriously ill.
He holds a Master's degree from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering. After joining Toshiba Corporation, he was engaged in the research and development of the next generation DVD.
He started his own business in 2006, and participated at the founding of Quantum Operation Inc. in 2017.
(3) Atsushi Nakanishi 中⻄ 敦⼠
Triple W Japan Inc.
Website https://www-biz.co/en/

Tokyo-based Atsushi Nakanishi, 37, has an academic background in business and global business management. After graduating from Keio University in Tokyo, he worked for a consulting company for a few years before spending two years as a volunteer for the Japan International Cooperation Agency in the Philippines. He then spent a year studying at the University of California, Berkeley, where he got the idea to develop DFree, a wearable device for urinary incontinence that is short for “Diaper Free.” With launching this product in mind, he set up Triple W in the United States in 2014, followed by Japan, in 2015.
(4) Li Liu, Ph.D. 劉立
Show Chwan Health Care System
Website http://www.show.org.tw/

《Current position》
- Vice President of Medical Informatics, Show Chwan Health Care System
- Chairman of Healthcare Informatics and Management Committee, Taiwan Hospital Association
- Vice Chairman of Smart Big Data Promotion Committee, CISA (Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C.)
- Adjunct Professor, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University (2009~present)
- Adjunct Professor, Graduate Institute of Medical Informatics, Taipei Medical University(1996 ~ Present)
- Ph.D., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
- PI of TeleCare Project Management Office, MOHW (Ministry of Health and Welfare) (2015~2016)
- Vice Superintendent, China Medical University Hospital Taipei Branch (2013~2014)
- Chief of Information Officer, YongLin Healthcare Foundation (2009~ 2013)
- Vice Superintendent of Medical Information, Taipei Medical University Hospital (2003 ~ 2009)
10. 議程 Agenda:

◆ 報名連結:https://itrievent.tw/events/15